Applying for an ITIN can be frustrating if you don't know what to do or how to fill in Form W-7 Application for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.
Whether you are applying for a new ITIN or are trying to renew an existing ITIN, Just Breve can assist.
Applying for a new ITIN:
- when applying for the first time, you will need to ensure you are first eligible to apply.
- All ITIN applications require the appropriate supporting paperwork attached to prove you are eligible
- You will also need to send a certified copy of your identity documents to the IRS
- You will also need to ensure the Form W-7 is accurately completed and all the correct fields for your application type, completed.
Renewal of an ITIN:
- the same process as above applies as of January 2022.
How can Just Breve assist me in getting a certified copy of my passport for an ITIN:
- Just Breve is a certifying acceptance agent (CAA) for ITIN purposes
- We have a contract with the IRS that allows us to certify identity documents for all applicants of an ITIN on Form W-7
- Per our contract - we are required to:
Certify any and all types of ITIN application. We complete a W-7COA which is attached to the ITIN application
Ensure the application is complete and accurate, ensuring all fields and lines on Form W-7 are correctly completed
Send all applications to the IRS for submission
Receive a copy of the ITIN notice or any other IRS correspondence relating to the ITIN.
As a result of the 4 points above, we DO NOT just provide a certification. All applications submitted by a CAA for an ITIN is logged against our details with the IRS.
All ITIN applications submitted by a CAA are logged as new applications.
If you have applied and failed to obtain and ITIN, we will advise the correct process to follow to ensure no further rejections occur and any suspension notice received by you is resolved first.
The service provided by Just Breve is comprehensive and complete. We ensure we have all information and that you of course, are eligible in the first place. Our fees are fixed, no additional fees payable after the application is sent in.
In the rare instance, there is an issue, we will resolve this by calling the ITIN unit and discussing your application (as CAA). And send any further information requested (if applicable). No further fees are payable if this is the case.
How do I contact you to ask ITIN questions:
Tel: 0208 1444632
Email: info@justbreve.com
Website: www.justbreve.com
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